Rich Response
In the words of Rich Rector,
President & CEO of Realty Executives International

Bird's- Eye View of the Exhibit Hall at the NAR Convention

Here is a great view of the exhibt hall in Orlando at the NAR Convention. It was nice to have the walkway up above to get the full perspective on the scope and size of the convention. If you have never attended, I highly recommend it. You will get more than you expected from being at this meeting. Next year it will be in San Diego and you should not miss it. I encourage all of you, especially Realty Executives members, to register early.

New Member of our Team attends NAR Convention

I am very proud to have Steve Lagoudis as a part of our company. He has converted his former Remax company to Realty Executives recently in Queens, NY. He will be moving his office into his brand new building with a view of the Manhattan skyline from the top floor. He and his company are great addtions to the Realty Executives family. Congratulations!

The Drop-off Point at the NAR Convention

We really made an impact and first impression for those who arrived at the convention center in Orlando at the NAR can see that no one would miss us.  

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Over 300 attend Blogging Panel Discussion at NAR Convention

The educational sessions at the NAR Convention were well-attended.  I went to a panel discussion about blogging, and I was surprised to see over 300 people in the room!  It covered the basics, but also got more detailed for those who were more experienced.  

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NAR Exhibit Hall Entrance

Here I am again doing my "roving reporter" bit...This shows the entrance to the Exhibits from the convention meeting rooms. As you can see in the video, our company did some creative things to get our name out again this year.

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NAR Committee to make recommendations about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

While attending the NAR convention in Orlando, I spoke with one of our members, Sue Wiskowski Fair, who is on the NAR committee regarding Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac.  This group will be crafting the NAR recommendations to the Federal Government on how to proceed with new regulations for these entities.  She has read Steve Forbes solution (below a few posts in my blog) and it will be interesting to see what comes of it.  What are your ideas or comments?

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The Opening of the NAR Convention in Orlando

The NAR Convention in Orlando is in full swing right now.  Here's some video from the entrance of the Convention Center on Friday, November 7th.

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