Dale Rector - Patron Saint of the Real Estate Consumer & Professional
Today marks the 3rd Anniversary of the death of R. Dale Rector, the man who revolutionized the real estate industry in 1965. This humble gentleman completely transformed the real estate industry by creating the 100% Commission Concept and implementing it in his company, Realty Executives. That is old news, because virtually every real estate company has offered some version of his program for years, in order to attract and retain the best professionals. In fact there have been competitors that have copied the Realty Executives' concept right down to using the same colors in their logos. The 100% Concept was not just a new compensation method; it changed the way real estate professionals could do their work to serve their clients better.
Some examples:
*Sellers and Buyers were served better and faster because of the complete vested interest the 100% Agents had in a positive outcome for those customers.
*Buyers were able to get to the most knowledgeable agent about listings without having to go through "floor people". By being the first company to allow "personal marketing" by the agents, the customers gained information and communication quicker.
*Sellers were able to negotiate the commission rates directly with the person who could make the decisions about it.
*The company could easily fire those agents who were not ethical or competent because the company made the same amount of money from each agent, rather than being paid depending on the price of the property or number of sales.
These are just a few examples of how Realty Executives and Dale Rector improved the real estate industry 42 years ago. Realty Executives still lives by these principles and concepts today. It gives me hope that customers, clients, other real estate agents, and regulators will discover our company that not only created itself to fulfill the needs of the real estate consumer, but also brought the top real estate professionals together under one banner.